I remember!
I remember when “Blogs” were called “Web Logs” (way back in the mid 1990’s!) and nearly everyone made fun of bloggers (‘cuz most of them deserved it), but people on the bleeding edge of tech are often mocked and scorned! Now. . . I’m mocked and scorned, but it has nothing to do with being on the edge of anything!

This is a test blog post just to see how all the whistles and bells blow and ring.
I’ll probably delete it. . . it’s not as if there is anything enlightening or profound in these words. On the other hand, if you happened to run across my ‘about me’ page, you’ve probably figured out I can write a lot. . . A LOT.
Have you noticed my abuse of the ellipsis? Oh. . . I abuse the hell out of that particular piece of grammar, and I’ve never figured out why. [shrug]
Well…. for a test blog post thing, this is more than long enough (you probably thought THAT back at sentence #2.